Crown Preparatory Academy

Crown Preparatory Academy

Our school serves students in kindergarten, first, second and third grades by transforming generations to live out their purpose through strong academic and Christ centered foundations. Our school promotes academic excellence and spiritual formation within our students.

About Crown Preparatory

Serving grades K-3
Enrollment is open for the 2023-2024 school year. Contact us at

We’re hiring!
Crown Prep is hiring! Certified teachers may apply today using the button below.

Enrollment Begins Soon!
The enrollment process includes an application, entrance exam and family interview.

Share Crown Preparatory with friends & family
Share the good news that Crown Preparatory Academy is opening September  2023 with your friends, family and colleagues. Like us on Facebook
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Career Opportunities

Why Choose Our School?

Our school gives God dominion over education by ensuring our students solidify a Christian foundation upon which to build their faith and to foster their academic excellence.
Our school is Christian-centered, Bible-based environment where students will learn and foster divine purpose.

Our students receive Godly character development based in the Biblical Worldview on the infrastructure that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.

Our students learn biblical teachings and develop an understanding of their faith as they grow spiritually, academically, emotionally and financially.

Our Vision / Mission


Preparing generations to live out their God-given purpose and destiny


To Promote Christian character and academic excellence to release greatness for Kingdom living


Contact Principal Deborah Carter for additional information.

Crown Preparatory Admissions Process

The admissions process for Crown Preparatory Academy is outlined below. Should you have any questions about enrollment, admissions or tuition, email

Volunteer at Crown Prep

Crown Prep needs volunteers to help with Open House which is scheduled for March 25, 2023. We also need help with the student recruitment team. When school begins in September, volunteers will be needed to help with breakfast, lunch and recess, substitute teachers and classroom aides for kindergarten and first grades.

Sign up to Volunteer

Be One of the 300

Join this kingdom assignment with your prayers and your seed.
Prayer targets include the school facility, identifying and hiring highly qualified teachers and staff and that all things work together as we apply for our charter, permits, and licenses.
Join the 300!


It only takes $150,000

For this kingdom assignment, it only takes $150,000 to open the school. This startup seed allows us to hire our new principal and administrative assistant, purchase the curriculum, technology, and office equipment among other expenses.


1st target is $75,000

Our first financial target is to reach at least $75,000. When the 300 partners sow $250, the need is met; however all seeds will be received and blessed no matter what the size.


How to Give

Click the Give button below to give now. You may also sow by check made payable to Columbus Christian Center. Please put Crown Prep on the memo line and on your offering envelope. Sow during any Sunday or Tuesday encounter or bring to the church office during normal business hours.